The Story of a Photographer

I'm a creative hippie at heart, a glass half full girl that wears rose colored glasses and loves a good fairytale. In my work, you will see all of that reflected. I love to tell the story of your life - a thousand words in one single photograph. To me it isn't about lining you up with a perfectly posed smile, but to find the true joy that makes you smile, naturally - full of wonder. This world is a BIG beautiful place filled with amazing created beings, each of us with our own wonderful quirky take on this life. I love the wonder in the eyes of a child AND the wisdom that comes from years of living, I love the romantic dream of new love AND the story of love that has been forged through the test of time and trials. Over the past 20+ years I have had the privilege of photographing them all. Life is hard, but even in the hard there is beauty. I am honored when people allow me to record the story that is uniquely theirs.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me.”

“As long as I can remember I have always had the mindset that all things are possible. The moment I attempt the "impossible" is the very moment I realize, I can truly do anything I put my mind to. I'm a wife to a wonderful man, mother to 3 beautiful women and Noni to an amazing Grandson. Our youngest daughter has taught me that together we can do anything. She has Cerebral Palsy, is non-verbal and bound to a wheel chair.”

“When I look at her and see all of the things she faces and overcomes on a daily basis and can still give me a smile that melts my heart, I am thankful to my Creator for the strength and promise that He is with us and gives us exactly what we need when we need it. Does that mean we don't struggle? Absolutely not! Just because I wear my rose colored glasses, doesn't mean tears of sadness don't trickle down my face from time to time. I get angry, frustrated, hurt and feel helpless...more than I like to admit.”

“But I am grateful that I know where to go on those days the sun doesn't shine and the dark skies feel oh so dark. I think that has helped in my story telling. The quote below is something I wrote a few years ago and find it to be true in a lot of the stories I am honored to hear. I look forward to helping you to record the story that is yours alone.”

“She painted the world with her tears,
the texture of joy and pain created a beauty she could never imagine.
She knew one without the other could never tell the whole story - her story.”